Friday 23 October 2015

The phoenix

And in the end it’s all just ashes….that is what remains of a human life….and when the noise and the clamour dies….when the wails become silent and the tears dry….when all get re-occupied with the routine and the mundane…..then is the time when it rises…..rises like a phoenix….taking its shape from those very ashes…..all those memories which you never even knew that they existed…..all those moments that you had never even registered….all of it and much more… all rises in the form of that phoenix and slowly and subtly reminds you of its presence….in between your meeting schedules…..when you are cooking in the kitchen….when you are driving….when you are reading with a cup of tea in your hand….when you are watching your favourite show on the television….when you are just about to hit the bed….when you are in your shower…..and anytime when you least expect it to…..the phoenix becomes a part of your life… remind you of a human life that once existed…..and also to remind you that you will also one day be that phoenix….and also to remind you, not how inconsequential human life is, but on the contrary, how precious and priceless it is…..because it might just end any moment….and you might not even know….one moment you are a human life…..and the next you are a phoenix… where is the place in all this….of all the trivialities….of all the adjectives we use to classify a human life…..and give a status to those adjectives that is larger than life itself….the adjectives that classify and compartmentalize a human life into male and female and the rest….into Hindu and Muslim and the rest….into a Punjabi and a Tamil and the rest…..into a believer and a non-believer and the rest….and into the million other categories that we devise…..and spend all our lives doing it…..devising categories to fit people into them….so that we could decide whether to love them or hate them or just ignore them…..and in all this…the one single life that we have…that is our own…..just passes by…moment by moment….second by second…..closer and closer to those ashes… rise into a phoenix….a phoenix that is just a mirror of the human life that once was….as trivial or as consequential as that human life could make it…..

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